Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Valorization-of-Biomass-Wastes:
Valorization of Biomass Wastes for Environmental Sustainability , This volume discusses the reduction, recycling, and reuse of industrial and agricultural biomass wastes to develop value-added products using environmentally sustainable practices and technologies. Through these waste valorization approaches, biomass waste materials can be converted into useful bio-chemical products, sustainable construction materials, polymers, bio-energy, and bio-fuel as sustainable alternatives to products and materials with negative environmental and health consequences. The chapters highlight the development and implementation of eco-friendly solutions to biomass waste production with the aim of reducing natural resource deterioration, bolstering rural and small-scale business systems in communities impacted by pollution and climate change, and providing power from residual biomass to broadly reduce environmental impacts through improved waste management practices. The book is intended to be a useful resource for researchers, policymakers, NGOs, government agencies, and local community authorities working in waste management and environmental sustainability. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 117.46 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Advances in Sustainable Valorization of Natural Waste and Biomass , This reprint brings together some recent advances in the sustainable re-design of natural waste and biomass in different material productions for both textile and non-textile applications. These include a wide array of topics, such as the following: the use of textile waste fibers, i.e., wool as a fertilizer to promote plant growth; the potential of cellulose textiles from hemp biomass; the use of green wood adhesives from sustainable proteins; optimization of the pyrolysis process of biomass; the use of natural wastes in composites preparation, including cellulosic waste as well as leather waste; dye adsorbents prepared from cellulosic wastes; some new methods of environmentally friendly dyeing; and imparting functionality to textiles by using natural ingredients. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 104.92 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Handbook of Biomass , This handbook constitutes state-of-the-art research covering topics such as chemical constituents of biomass, their specific properties, characterization and different applications. The contents also discuss challenges and issues involved in its applications. This volume brings together a number of biomass-derived potential renewable elements and its circular economy approach in one place. The content includes industrial applications and fills the gap in laboratory research works to practical applications in related industries. The book gives an insight towards the circular economy approach by the biomass, different gross morphologies of biomasses and the valuable chemical constituents that can be derived from the biomass and moreover the potential applications of all those constituents. It enables researchers and scientists to get informed of the designs to improve existing utilization of biomass in an efficient manner and deliver better products at lower cost. The volume isuseful reference for professionals, researchers, industrial practitioners, graduate students and senior undergraduates in the fields of polymer science, bioscience and bioengineering. It also provides an in-depth reference for biomass processors and fabricators and for industry sectors utilizing biomass such as packaging, sensors, film manufacturers, medical device manufacturers and biomedical engineers. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 702.43 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Subject Heading Description 1: SCIENCE / Chemistry / Physical & Theoretical Subject Heading Description 2: EAN: 9786206591252 ISBN-10: 6206591255 Publisher Imprint: Our Knowledge Publishing Publication Date: 102023 Contributor 1: Maia Brito, Gilberto Title: Production of activated biocarbons from agricultural biomass Binding Type: PF Content Language Code: ENG Pages: 0056 Description: Discover the captivating world of Production of activated biocarbons from agricultural biomass, a SCIENCE / Chemistry / Physical & Theoretical that falls under the category. This PF-formatted gem, contributed by Maia Brito, Gilberto and published by Our Knowledge Publishing, promises an immersive experience for readers. With 0056 pages of engaging content, Production of activated biocarbons from agricultural biomass explores. The ENG language adds a unique flavor to the narrative, making it accessible to a wide audience.
Preis: 76.53 € | Versand*: 0.0 €
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